
Subcategories: Projects, Guides

Almost everything I've written on my site, all in one place. The subcategories above might help if you're looking for something specific, or you can look at all tags.

Featured Posts

Auto CSP - The (Proposed) Solution

This post is continued from the previous one in this series, The Problem. The core design takes after Jamie Scaife's work mentioned in the… Read more →

Personal Website

This site itself is one of the projects of which I'm proudest. It is entirely self-designed with a fast, modern stack behind it. Read more →

All Posts

Auto CSP - Future Ideas

This post is continued from the previous one in this series, Trials and Tribulations. This post is something of a retrospective on what I've… Read more →

Auto CSP - Trials and Tribulations

This post is continued from the previous one in this series, The (Proposed) Solution. Actually getting the design I previously laid out… Read more →

Auto CSP - The (Proposed) Solution

This post is continued from the previous one in this series, The Problem. The core design takes after Jamie Scaife's work mentioned in the… Read more →

Auto CSP - The Problem

When you visit sites online, your browser generally trusts the servers it contacts. Security tools like cryptography can help, but some… Read more →

Using an SVG Favicon in Gatsby

Using an SVG favicon in a Gatsby site can be a bit tricky, because it is one of the only times where you don't want to inline the SVG. Read more →

WSL Configuration

My Linux shell configuration is used exclusively with Cmder and WSL; I've included some basic installation and setup instructions here. Read more →

Cmder Tasks

Tasks tell Cmder how to work with different terminals and shells. Here I've listed my tasks for WSL, PowerShell, and more. Read more →

Personal Website

This site itself is one of the projects of which I'm proudest. It is entirely self-designed with a fast, modern stack behind it. Read more →

Channel List

When my apartment complex's posted TV channel listings didn't match up with what my TV actually registered, I decided to over-engineer a bit of a solution for myself. Read more →

Add Case Brief

Northeastern's IA 5240 Cyberlaw: Privacy, Ethics, and Digital Rights course doesn't require any coding, but it does require a lot of legal… Read more →

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Copyright 2023 Jack Warren